Welcome all of you to a new academic year that can take you to higher levels of learning experience and happiness. Start the new session with dedication and decisiveness to excel not only in academics but also in character. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.

Today education is understood as a means to build career. Albert Einstein opines “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think”. Only a well disciplined and trained mindcan succeed in life. Success is not only academic excellence but an art or skill to overcome the challenging situations when faced with.

The School islike a laboratory or a theater where pupils experience and experiment to explore their innate capacities. Every moment is a new experience and that experience is an imprint for the future. Positive skills learned by the scholar mould him/her to an enlightened soul.

As we live in a smart world with smart technolgies and smart phones, smart learningand smart behavior is much anticipated from every child enrolled in the school. Every child is a bundle of possiblities. When the school digitalizes vision within a child, he/she becomes an epitome of education. Here at M.G.M. every Gregorian is empowered to find their own path of ultimate goodness. From goodness springs creativeness,inquisitiveness and pragmatism. So every Gregorian strives for truth and fights out to dispel darkness of ignorance and evil around him and his surroundings.

Follow your heart, aspire the stars, bow down in humility to respect and acknowledgeyour duties with sincerity so that you grow up into a successful human being with essential humaneness. Let this year be filled with opportunities and blessings to lead you to the zenith of success

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