At MGM School, you’ll join a nurturing and collaborative community where students of all backgrounds excel and support each other.


  1. Application Forms for admission to Nursery can be secured from the school office in the 1stWeek of October.
  2. When filing the form of application for admission, the guardians are requested to enter all particulars, with the greatest possible accuracy. No subsequent changes are permitted.
  3. A transfer Certificate must be produced by all candidates who have previously attended any school and countersigned by the inspector of schools.
  4. Every child seeking admission must be introduced in person to the Principal by parents / legal guardians. The school authorities entertain no recommendations.
  5. For fresh admission copies of birth certificate and aadhar should accompany the application. No change in the name and date of birth is permitted later.
  6. Age limit for admission to Nursery is 3+ and Class 1 is 6.
  7. Nobody can claim admission as a matter of right and the school authorities can refuse admission without assigning any reason.
  8. Before withdrawing a student from the school, a calendar months’ notice in writing is to be given and must clear all dues including annual fees. Annual fees and other fees once paid will not be refunded with T.C.
  9. Application for T.C. along with the prescribed fee should be submitted to the School office at least 30 days before the T.C is to be issued or one-month fees has to be paid.
  10. A fee of Rs. 250/- should be paid for the T.C. (Class Pre- Nursery – XII )
  11. 11.  No leaving certificate is issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full
Documents to be attached along with application form
  1. Original Birth Certificate (for admissiontoClass Ist only)
  2. C.(for admission to Class IInd onwards)
  3. Original MarkSheet (for verification) along with a xerox
  4. (for SC/ST/OBC)

NOTE:.Until the above documents are submitted within 20 days  the Admission stands cancelled

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